The content of any email sent from an address, and any file transmitted with it, is confidential and intended solely for the recipient specified. If you were not the addressee you should not copy the email or share any part of its contents with any third party. If you have received an email in error, please notify the sender by return and delete it from your system.

Generation Edge puts information security at a high priority and has systems in place to try to ensure that, as far as can be reasonably expected, communications are error and virus-free. Unfortunately, full security of email transmissions cannot be assured as, despite our efforts, the data included in emails could become infected, intercepted, or corrupted. The recipient should therefore have appropriate software in place to check incoming emails for threats, as the sender cannot accept liability for any damage inflicted by viewing the content of this email.

The views and opinions included in any email sent from an address belong to their author and do not necessarily mirror the views and opinions of the company. Generation Edge employees are obliged not to make any defamatory statements, or infringe, or authorise infringement of any statutory requirement, and the company will not accept any liability for any such statement included in an email.

No binding contract with Generation Edge can be concluded without the explicit written consent of a director of the company. Therefore, any proposal to enter into an agreement included within an email will be invalid unless confirmed in writing by a director of Generation Edge.

Please consider the environment and do not print emails unless absolutely necessary.