Leading ‘Covid-19 safe’ return to the office: Our client faces change
Helping an existing client of ours execute their short term plan of ‘bouncing back to the office, safely and in line with government guidance,’ required careful planning.
The physical space, behavioural and communications changes required to enable this, were filtered through our Nimble services to provide a compassionate and clear business message, with cost effective but robust operational protocols.
Who to involve, how, and when, was key to success and making sure everyone had a chance to share their views was fundamental. Benchmarking how they were working Pre-Covid, against lockdown operations and canvassing opinion on the future, fuelled employee surveys and enabled business decisions determining short term changes to the office and considerations for long term planning for the business.
By creating a ‘Together’ campaign, our client has achieved an updatable and flexible kit of parts including, weekly communication updates, how to guides for coming back into the office, bubbles, core working days, shift patterns and new desking arrangements. Our client is leading listening, adapting and addressing the current changes the pandemic has brought, and is in good shape to adapt to whatever challenges lie ahead…
Back in 2015, our London HQ was redesigned by Edge – celebrating our growth and reflecting on the brand’s heritage.
In recent months, Edge has supported us with a nimble workplace strategy to help us use our workplace environment in the safest possible way.Business Support Manager
- Global Shipping Firm
Surveys and Behavioural Change Workshops
Brand Communications for the ‘Together’ campaign.
Bespoke in-situ Covid-19 way-finding and signage helped navigate staff safely through the space, with simple infographics informing and nudging people on how to use the spaces.
The use of surveys and behavioural change workshops helped to execute our nimble plan with an individual ‘care package’ and returning to the office safely presentation.