Compelling stories, inspiring people



78.2 sq m


Interior design

Brand environments




We were appointed by the RNLI to improve and align their visitable assets within its visitor centres & shops, to ensure all the communication touch points were consistent and cohesive. With a network of 237 lifeboat stations across the UK, requiring £145 million in funding to run, these spaces form a pivotal role in educating the general public about the charity, the dangers of the sea, and give guidance on how they can donate to support the charity. Dartmouth, the first to have the assets proposal implemented, needed to act as a showcase.

Working with the RNLI to produce the Big Idea ‘Compelling Stories, Inspiring People’, the centre is designed to provide playful and interactive ways of learning; to assist in securing new relationships with every visitor to the space.

The new centre incorporates a decommissioned life boat; an area for kids and adults alike to dress up and get involved in the ‘drama’ of the sea; an area to ‘meet the crew’ or listen to personal accounts of rescues and a cinema in which to get fully immersed in watching real archive footage of rescues. The shop includes friendly product info facts to give customers guidance on how exactly their donations and purchases help towards running the charity e.g. the cost of a RNLI teddy bear = cost of a pair of crew wellington boots.


Overnight the new design saw donations change, from fifty pence ‘spare change’ to £5 notes.


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